Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
3. 3. The Iran-Iraq War in Iraqi Novels: Oblivion and Disappearance
Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
Ronen Zeidel [+ ]
Tel Aviv University
Ronen Zeidel is an Iraq analyst in the Moshe Dayan center, Tel Aviv University. He published dozens of articles in leading academic journals in the West and also in Iraq. His book Pluralism in the Iraqi Novel after 2003 was published by Lexington Books in 2020.
This chapter analyses how writing about the Iran-Iraq war in Iraqi novels changed in three specific moments of Iraqi history: literature as a justification of war during the conflict (1980-1988); increasing attention for the rear of the war in the period 1988-2003; and a more expanded criticism of the Baʿth after 2003.