Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
10. Twofold Slavery: Slave in Malta, Slave to Love of his Beloved Master: The Peaceful Letter a Muslim Sent to Baldassarre Loyola Mandes S.J. (1631-1667)
Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
Federico Stella [+ ]
University of Naples L’Orientale
Federico Stella graduated in history of philosophy at Sapienza University of Rome and obtained a Ph.D. in Oriental Studies at the same University. Currently, he is a Post-Doc researcher at the University of Naples L’Orientale within the ERC Synergy Grant The European Qu’ran. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850. His main interests are Islamic philosophy and the history of Christian-Muslim relations.
This chapter carries out a historical-textual analysis of a passionate letter a Muslim slave in Malta sent to Baldassarre Loyola Mandes, a Moroccan ruler who converted to Christianity. It traces not only the traditional homo-erotic poetics of missed love and nostalgia for the beloved in the letter, but also Baldassarre’s translation strategies in his own translation of the same letter into Italian.