Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
12. A Thousand and One Jordans: The Story of Rafedìn
Be Like Adam's Son - Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region - Fernanda Fischione
Odetta Pizzingrilli [+ ]
University of Macerata
Odetta Pizzingrilli obtained her PhD in “Politics: History, Science, Theory” at LUISS Guido Carli University (Rome) where she recently completed a Post-doctoral Fellowship in History of Islamic Countries. Her research focuses on nation/state building-process of the Arab states, national identity formation, minorities and minoritization processes. She teaches History of the Contemporary Middle East at the Humanities Department of the University of Macerata.
The chapter places the experience of the humanitarian project Rafedìn within the Jordanian (hi)story by presenting the different “Jordans” that succeeded one another over time, and by embodying a successful model of peaceful coexistence that has been able to carve its place within the multifaceted Jordanian society.