Deuteronomic Parenting

Deuteronomy - Outside the Box - Diana V. Edelman

Philippe Guillaume [+-]
University of Berne
Philippe Guillaume is Lecturer at the University of Berne. His latest publications are A History of Biblical Israel co-authored with Ernst Axel Knauf (Equinox, 2016) and Deuteronomy in the Making, Studies in the Production of Debarim, edited with Diana Edelman, Benedetta Rossi and Kåre Berge (De Gruyter, 2021).


Current studies of biblical laws dealing with family matters display much interest in sexual matters and rightly denounce their patriarchal bias. Focusing on parenting provides a more balanced appreciation of the role of mothers and the place of women within a male-dominated society. An analysis of the levirate law, the rebuttal of a slanderous husband, and primogeniture show that the aim of the law-givers was to maximize the chances to produce offspring and fulfill the mandate in Genesis to multiply. Procreation, however, is but the first stage of the life-long process of parenting that involves both parents, even after the death of the father, if necessary. Thus, women and mothers are shielded from abusive repudiation by the production of a bloodied sheet, while any disrespect toward parents or disobedience to their commands is liable to the death penalty, except in certain cases for daughters, who are given a chance to overturn parental opposition.

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Guillaume, Philippe. Deuteronomic Parenting. Deuteronomy - Outside the Box. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Jul 2025. ISBN 9781800503717. Date accessed: 28 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44612. Jul 2025

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