10. What Does "Tanak" Stand For?
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes - Philippe Guillaume
Elaine Adler Goodfriend [+ ]
Elaine Adler Goodfriend holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from U.C. Berkeley. She writes about biblical and Jewish law. Her recent publications include “The Qatlanit (“Killer Wife”) in Jewish Law: A Survey of Sources,” in Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 17 (2020), and “Why is the Torah Divided into Five Books?,” at https://thetorah.com/why-is-the-torahdivided-into-five-books, May, 2018.
The collection of texts Jewish tradition refers to as the “Tanak” amounts to twenty-four or up to thirty-nine scrolls, depending on how they are counted, though the Tanak is only a selection of the literary production of ancient Israel.