15. Is There Apocalyptic Literature in the Hebrew Bible?
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes - Philippe Guillaume
Emmanouil Gkinidis [+ ]
Emmanouil Gkinidis holds a Doctorate of Philosophy from the Democritus University of Thrace (Greece). His research includes apocalyptic rhetoric and discourse. He has published “Role Models as Moral Means of Persuasion in Apocalyptic Literature,” Marburg Journal of Religion 21 (2019): 1–17; and “‘To the Top of the
World’: Ascending Mountains in Apocalyptic Literature,” Marburg Journal of Religion 21 (2019): 1–7.
The final book of the Bible, Revelation, is but one of the books with apocalyptic material. Apocalyptic language is a powerful rhetoric device that helped shape monotheistic religions in the Greco-Roman period and continues to do so today.