10. Using Virtual Reality to understand Astronomical knowledge and Historical Landscapes at Preclassic Ceros, Belize

From the Ground to the Sky - Ten Years of Skyscape Archaeology - Fabio Silva

Jeffrey Ryan Vadala [+-]
University of Florida
Jeffrey Vadala is a doctoral candidate at the University of Florida.
Susan Milbrath


The authors follow Delanda’s approach to ontology where he argued that all objects of study should be viewed as heterogeneous parts rather than a priori or predefined objects of study. The authors argue that the ancient Maya of Cerro “observed features in the coastal landscape that marked zenith events, and over time they constructed buildings to memorialize this observation point”. In the course of their argument the authors employ 3D modelling of the site and surrounding landscape to further explore the cosmological implications of spatial structure, making this one of very few archaeoastronomical studies to deploy immersive technology.

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Vadala, Jeffrey; Milbrath, Susan. 10. Using Virtual Reality to understand Astronomical knowledge and Historical Landscapes at Preclassic Ceros, Belize. From the Ground to the Sky - Ten Years of Skyscape Archaeology. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Oct 2024. ISBN 9781800505186. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=45065. Date accessed: 01 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45065. Oct 2024

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