5. Discarding Baggage: Reframing Myths

Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

Nancy S. Gorrell [+-]
English teacher and poet
Nancy S. Gorrell is an award-winning English teacher, author, and poet. Her previously published book (with Erin Colfax) in this series is Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science: A Teacher’s Guide to Scientific Literacy ad Poetic Response (Equinox, 2012). She is currently Director of the SSBJCC Holocaust Memorial and Education Center Survivor Registry, Bridgewater, NJ.


Chapter 5 introduces teachers to the concept of baggage in need of discard. Such baggage comprises obstacles that keep teachers from becoming, and so from teaching with joy, creativity, and authenticity. The author discusses how as a writing teacher she discarded the baggage of absolute authority and reframed it within an apprenticeship model. The author reframes and discards several myths: (1) writing teachers must be writers; (2) you can’t teach creative writing; (3) you can’t teach creativity. In doing so, the author presents strategies and solutions for teachers of all subjects. Chapter 5 also introduces baggage that cannot be discarded: “The Tyranny of the Ts” – time, tradition, textbooks, teacher guides, tests, and “they” – in addition to the new educational environment brought about by Covid-19, school lockdowns, and virtual learning. Chapter 5 concludes with Interdisciplinary Applications for Teachers and Students and a “Discarding Your Baggage” writing prompt.

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Gorrell, Nancy S.. 5. Discarding Baggage: Reframing Myths. Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 99-118 Aug 2024. ISBN 9781845536381. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=45156. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45156. Aug 2024

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