Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

7. Knowing Your Students: Times of Transition and Transformation

Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

Nancy S. Gorrell [+-]
English teacher and poet
Nancy S. Gorrell is an award-winning English teacher, author, and poet. Her previously published book (with Erin Colfax) in this series is Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science: A Teacher’s Guide to Scientific Literacy ad Poetic Response (Equinox, 2012). She is currently Director of the SSBJCC Holocaust Memorial and Education Center Survivor Registry, Bridgewater, NJ.


Chapter 7 addresses the question: Who takes a creative writing class? The author’s answer – a mélange of students. Chapter 7 presents that mélange of students, affirming the power of “the community of writers” to transition and transform students. Chapter 7 begins with a poem by a graduating senior (Judd) struggling with transition, followed by a series of case studies. In “Transformation of a Resistant Writer,” Judd explains entering creative writing by a schedule default, his “hatred” of writing, resisting participation, and finally engaging in the community of writers. In the second case study, the author discusses Tim and Robert – “Polar Opposites” – one, a fifth-year senior repeating English credit for graduation, the other a soon-to-be salutatorian. In “Here’s to Heterogeneity,” the author confirms her greatest pleasure witnessing the power of the diversity of voices to teach, motivate, and inspire not only writing, but the transformation essential to writing. Chapter 7 concludes with Interdisciplinary Applications for Teachers and Students and the “Times of Transition; Times of Transformation” writing prompts.

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Gorrell, Nancy S.. 7. Knowing Your Students: Times of Transition and Transformation. Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 142-157 Oct 2024. ISBN 9781845536381. Date accessed: 01 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45158. Oct 2024

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