
Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

Nancy S. Gorrell [+-]
English teacher and poet
Nancy S. Gorrell is an award-winning English teacher, author, and poet. Her previously published book (with Erin Colfax) in this series is Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science: A Teacher’s Guide to Scientific Literacy ad Poetic Response (Equinox, 2012). She is currently Director of the SSBJCC Holocaust Memorial and Education Center Survivor Registry, Bridgewater, NJ.


The Conclusion revisits the global pandemic and its effects on learning, literacy, creativity, and education. Whatever the “new normal” will be like, it will require teachers who are becoming to teach those students who are becoming, too. The author reminds readers of what they have learned in going through the book as they have become a courageous and creative teacher-writer and a teacher-artist – whether an English teacher, language arts teacher, or a teacher of another subject – while teaching their students to become courageous and creative writers. Walking a path of becoming a teacher who writes has meant opening new windows for self and students to include the worlds inside and outside, local and global, and cyber. It has also meant becoming prepared to face the future and whatever unpredictable teaching situation may appear, while maintaining a focus on creativity, literacy, writing across the curriculum, and collaboration across disciplines. Those who have read this book have accepted teaching as their muse and to teach is to learn, and have learned much. The teaching pedagogies offered in the book are summarized with reference to teaching in these uncertain times. The Conclusion ends with a reflection on the continuing need teachers have for open windows.

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Gorrell, Nancy S.. Conclusion. Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 397-410 Aug 2024. ISBN 9781845536381. Date accessed: 17 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45171. Aug 2024

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