Addiction and Wholeness
Sacred Psychology - A Global Perspective - Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos [+ ]
The global rise of addictions in the modern world is alarming. What the discipline of modern Western psychology fails to recognize is the connection between the loss of a sense of the sacred and the rise in addiction and mental illness. Due to the spiritual desolation prevalent in the present day and its traumatizing effects, the human search for wholeness and healing is all too often diverted into destructive and dysfunctional behaviors. It is only a spiritual approach to the science of the soul that allows psychology to restore the categories of Spirit, soul, and body, along with their corresponding degrees of reality. This paper examines the root causes of addiction in order to better understand the collective search for wholeness and healing. The objective of the study is to propose a more integrative approach to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of addiction.