Researching Global Religious Landscapes - A Methodology between Universalism and Particularism - Peter Nynäs

Researching Global Religious Landscapes - A Methodology between Universalism and Particularism - Peter Nynäs

Appendix 2. The YARG Prototypes: Results from a Cross-Cultural Q-Methodological Study of Religiosity – Short National Descriptions of Faith Q-set Prototypes

Researching Global Religious Landscapes - A Methodology between Universalism and Particularism - Peter Nynäs

Peter Nynäs [+-]
Åbo Akademi University
Dr. Theol. Peter Nynäs is Professor of Study of Religions at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU), Finland and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology. He is Director and PI of the Åbo Akademi University Centre of Excellence in Research Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective Project (2015–2019) and earlier the Centre of Excellence in Research Post-secular Culture and a Changing Religious Landscape in Finland Project (2010–2014). Among the books he has edited are On the Outskirts of "the Church”: Diversities, Fluidities, and New Spaces of Religion in Finland (with R. Illman and T. Martikainen, LIT-Verlag, 2015), Religion, Gender, and Sexuality in Everyday Life (with A. Yip, Ashgate, 2012), and The Diversity of Worldviews among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity and Spirituality through the Lens of an International Mixed Method Study (with A. Keysar, J. Kontala, B.-W. Kwaku Golo, M. Lassander, M. Shterin, S. Sjö, and P. Stenner, Springer, 2021).
Janne Kontala [+-]
Åbo Akademi University
Janne Kontala, Ph.D., has worked as a researcher in Turku, Finland, in the Department Study of Religions at Åbo Akademi University Centre of Excellence in Research: Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective Project (2015–19). He specialises in the field of studies of non-religion and is the author of Emerging Non-religious Worldview Prototypes: A Faith Q-sort-Study on Finnish Group-Affiliates (Åbo Akademi University, 2016). He previously worked as a researcher in a project entitled “Viewpoints to the World: Prototypes of Worldview and their Relation to Motivational Values in Different Social Movements”, funded by the Academy of Finland (2011–15).
Mika Lassander [+-]
Statistics Finland
Dr. Mika Lassander, the author of Post-Materialist Religion: Pagan Identities and Value Change in Modern Europe (Bloomsbury, 2014) and co-editor of Post-Secular Society (Transaction, 2012), has specialised in methodology in the study of religions, particularly pragmatism, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches, and Actor-Network Theory. His general research interest is in the social-psychological study of the effects of long-term social changes on individuals’ worldviews and values. He worked as a senior researcher for the Åbo Akademi University Centre of Excellence in Research Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective (2015–2018). He is currently working as a Head of Development for Statistics Finland.
Sofia Sjö [+-]
Donner Institute, Turku
Dr. Theol. Sofia Sjö works as research librarian at the Donner Institute, Turku, Finland. Her research focuses on religion, popular culture, media and gender and has been published in a number of journals and edited volumes. She was a senior researcher in the YARG project and has co-edited three volumes within the project: a thematic issue on socialization published in Religion 49/2, "Digital Media, Young Adults, and Religion: An International Perspective" (Routledge 2020) and The Diversity of Worldviews among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity and Spirituality through the Lens of an International Mixed Method Study (Springer Forthcoming).

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Nynäs, Peter; Kontala, Janne; Lassander, Mika; Sjö, Sofia. Appendix 2. The YARG Prototypes: Results from a Cross-Cultural Q-Methodological Study of Religiosity – Short National Descriptions of Faith Q-set Prototypes. Researching Global Religious Landscapes - A Methodology between Universalism and Particularism. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Apr 2024. ISBN 9781800503915. Date accessed: 16 Jul 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.46266. Apr 2024

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