8. Are there Sacred Texts in Yoga?
Yoga Studies in Five Minutes - Theodora Wildcroft
Lubomír Ondračka [+ ]
Charles University
Lubomír Ondračka is a publisher, independent researcher and occasional lecturer at the
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in
Prague. Currently, he is a research fellow at Balliol College, University of Oxford. His
research is focused on the history of yoga, death, and dying in India, and on religions and
culture of Bengal.
From the Brahmanical perspective, the Yoga Upaniṣads are sacred, but these are not very interesting sources of yoga history. For the tantric practitioner, some of the tantras represent the most sacred source of yogic teaching and practice. Several haṭhayogic texts also claim divine origin, and many other yoga texts are attributed to various legendary or semi-legendary Hindu sages, including Patañjali.