
Narrating Archaeological Sites and Places - Fifty Years of the Madaba Plains Project at Tall Hisban, Tall al-`Umayri, and Tall Jalul - Douglas R. Clark

Øystein S. LaBianca [+-]
Andrews University
Øystein S. LaBianca (PhD Brandeis 1987) is a senior research professor of anthropology at Andrews University and associate director of its Institute of Archaeology. He is the author, co-author, or co-editor of over 20 books on Jordanian archaeology, including the 14-volume Hesban Final Publication Series. LaBianca is a founding co-director of the Madaba Plains Project, excavating at Tall Ḥisbān, Tall al-ʿUmayri, and Tall Jalūl, and senior director of the Hesban Cultural Heritage Project, a community archaeology initiative focused on engaging the local community in the care, protection, and presentation of this important site. He has served on the boards of the American Society of Overseas Research and the American Center of Research. LaBianca has been a visiting scholar at Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, and Bergen universities and has received grants from National Geographic, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the U.S. Department of State, and the Research Council of Norway.
Douglas R. Clark [+-]
La Sierra University
Douglas R. Clark (PhD Vanderbilt 1984) is Director of the Lawrence T. Geraty & Douglas R. Clark Center for Near Eastern Archaeology at La Sierra University in Riverside, California. He also co-directs the Madaba Plains Project excavations at Tall al-ʿUmayri, Jordan, currently in publication phases. He has taught and held administrative positions at several universities and has also authored, edited, or co-edited 18 volumes and nearly 200 articles, and has made 230 presentations worldwide. Volumes include The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research into Jordan’s Past, for which he was lead editor, and the Madaba Plains Project, ʿUmayri series, for which he is co-editor and author. He first excavated in 1973 at Tall Ḥisbān, also part of the Madaba Plains Project. Along with colleagues from the US, Italy, and Jordan, he began in 2015 a multi-year project of establishing the Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum in Mādabā, Jordan.
Randall W. Younker [+-]
Andrews University
Randall W. Younker (PhD University of Arizona 1996) is Professor of Archaeology and History of Antiquity and Director of the Institute of Archaeology at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He received his MA and PhD in Near Eastern Archaeology from the University of Arizona under William G. Dever. Randy has been a field archaeologist for the last 40 years in Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, Sicily, and Turkey where he has directed, co-directed, or served as a field specialist. Currently, he is senior director for excavations at Tall Jalūl, part of the Madaba Plains Project, and Senior Co-director of the San Miceli excavation in Sicily. He also presently co-directs a survey in Eastern Turkey. He has served on the Board of the American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) and chaired their Nominations and Outreach committees. He has co-authored and co-edited 12 books and published or co-published over 100 scholarly and professional articles and reviews.

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LaBianca, Øystein S.; Clark, Douglas R.; Younker, Randall W.. Introduction. Narrating Archaeological Sites and Places - Fifty Years of the Madaba Plains Project at Tall Hisban, Tall al-`Umayri, and Tall Jalul. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Oct 2025. ISBN 9781800506558. Date accessed: 01 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.46557. Oct 2025

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