The Book of Esther and Qumran

Esther - Kristin Joachimsen

Kristin De Troyer [+-]
Paris Lodron University, Salzburg
Kristin De Troyer is professor of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria. She is also the academic secretary of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Mika S. Pajunen [+-]
University of Helsinki
Mika S. Pajunen is senior research fellow of the Academy of Finland at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, Finland. He is also lecturer of Old Testament Studies in the same faculty.


Whether there is a Hebrew or Aramaic book of Esther among the Dead Sea Scrolls seems to have been settled: the texts found in Cave 4, labeled as 4Q550a–e, most likely are not witnesses to the biblical book. This contribution will present the research done on 4Q550a–e and show why these fragments are not Esther fragments. That does not mean, however, that the book of Esther was not known in Qumran. The chapter will include an investigation of any potential textual traces of the book in the writings of the Qumran movement, which could indicate it was known by members of the movement after all. Then, the authors will bring new arguments to buttress this hypothesis and, more importantly, demonstrate that not just any version of the book of Esther, but the Hebrew version, was known at Qumran.

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De Troyer , Kristin; Pajunen , Mika. The Book of Esther and Qumran. Esther. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Jun 2026. ISBN 9781800600000. Date accessed: 26 Mar 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.46893. Jun 2026

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