Esther Online: Reception(s) of the Book of Esther in Swedish and US Based Internet Discussion Forums
Esther - Kristin Joachimsen
Hanna Liljefors [+ ]
Lund University
In this article, I examine and compare how the book of Esther is interpreted on two Swedish and one US based online discussion forums (Familjeliv, Flashback, and Reddit). The study is conducted from a reception critical perspective, highlighting dominant interpretations and their ideological consequences, such as the reproduction of relations of domination. While religious actors tend to praise Esther’s courage, as well as portray her as a strong woman and a feminist role model, nonconfessional actors tend to criticize both the story and the character of Esther. Actors on the Swedish online forum Familjeliv, whose users are mainly women, apply a feminist analysis of Esther, where for instance self-identified non-religious actors argue that she is only celebrated because of her looks and obedience towards men. Actors on the Swedish online forum Flashback, whose users are mainly men, instead focus on the acts of violence in the story and reproduce antisemitic accusations against what the actors interpret as a story, and a Jewish holiday, that celebrates genocide of non-Jews. Actors on the US based online forum Reddit, with a less secularized and more gender diverse user-base, discuss the historical (in)accuracy of the story, as well as use the book of Esther to interpret current events such as US politics. The dominant interpretations of Esther on Reddit tend to be highly positive, stressing Esther’s inner and outer beauty. The interpretations are discussed in relation to underlying ideologies and social media logic, showing how biblical reception online tends to be driven by emotions, personalization, and stereotypes. The article argues for the importance of reception critical studies of biblical reception on social media since social media co-structure notions on religion, including the Bible.