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School Bible in the Service of The Danish National Church—A Case Study

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1. Title Title of document School Bible in the Service of The Danish National Church—A Case Study - Textbook Gods
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Jens-André Herbener; University of Southern Denmark;
3. Subject Discipline(s) Religious Studies; education
4. Subject Keyword(s) Danish Bible Society; school bibles
5. Subject Subject classification Religion: general (HRA)
6. Description Abstract In 2011 the Danish Bible Society published a huge work called The School Bible (Skolebibelen). It includes the following sections: A Bible Guide and a Bible Dictionary composed by Inger Røgild, the authorized 1992 Danish translation of the Bible and The New Agreement—the New Testament in present-day Danish from 2007, for which the Danish Bible Society itself is responsible. All together it is a work of 1.5 kilo and 2016 pages. The Danish Bible Society is a non-profit church organization. Its purpose is “making the Bible and biblical material available internationally as well as in Denmark,”1 and it is affiliated with the international organization the United Bible Societies. in the School Service of the Danish National Church (Kristeligt Dagblad 2011c). Both the author and the publisher present The School Bible exclusively as an academic publication that is tailor-made for Christian studies in the Folkeskole in Denmark. As the following review will show, this is a truth with many modifications. In fact, from an academic point of view, The School Bible is quite problematic and raises questions about the use of textbooks and translations published by religious organizations in the Folkeskole.
7. Publisher Organizing agency, location Equinox Publishing Ltd
8. Contributor Sponsor(s)
9. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 01-Apr-2014
10. Type Status & genre Peer-reviewed Article
11. Type Type review essay
12. Format File format PDF
13. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier https://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/books/article/view/23883
14. Identifier Digital Object Identifier 10.1558/equinox.23883
15. Source Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year) Equinox eBooks Publishing; Textbook Gods
16. Language English=en En
18. Coverage Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.) Denmark
19. Rights Copyright and permissions Copyright 2014 Equinox Publishing Ltd